Saturday, April 20, 2013

Naughty Toes

Naughty Toes by Ann Bonwill

Summary: Chloe and Belinda are sisters, but they couldn't be more different! Belinda is a born dancer and the star of Madame Mina's dance classs.  As far as Madame Mina is concerned, Chloe just has "naughty toes." Only Mr. Tiemp, the class pianist, has spotted Chole's talents.  With his help, Chloe finds a way to reach her dreams.

My Thoughts: This story is for any little girl who loves to dance! The reader learns that everyone's talents don't have to be the same.  People can be unique and that is just fine.  Read the story and see how Chloe fairs with her naughty toes!

*Summary taken from the dust jacket.